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DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral

Informasi Produk

Survei udara yang efektif perlu melihat yang tak terlihat. Itu sebabnya Mavic 3 Multispectral memiliki dua bentuk penglihatan. Ini menggabungkan kamera RGB dengan kamera multispektral untuk memindai dan menganalisis pertumbuhan tanaman dengan sangat jelas. Manajemen produksi pertanian membutuhkan ketelitian dan data, dan Mavic 3M memberikan keduanya.


Survei udara yang efektif perlu melihat hal yang tak kasat mata. Itulah sebabnya Mavic 3 Multispectral memiliki dua bentuk penglihatan. Kamera ini menggabungkan kamera RGB dengan kamera multispektral untuk memindai dan menganalisis pertumbuhan tanaman dengan kejelasan total. Manajemen produksi pertanian memerlukan presisi dan data, dan Mavic 3M menyediakan keduanya.

  • Kompak dan portabel
  • Dapat dilipat untuk memudahkan penyimpanan
  • Kamera Multispektral
  • 4 × 5MP
  • G/R/RE/NIR
  • kamera RGB
  • 20 MP
  • 4/3 CMOS, rana mekanis
  • Aman dan stabil
  • Penghindaran Rintangan Omnidirectional 
  • Jarak Transmisi 15km 
  • Posisi yang tepat
  • Posisi RTK tingkat sentimeter
  • Sinkronisasi waktu tingkat mikrodetik
  • Survei udara yang efisien
  • Hingga 200 hektar per penerbangan 
  • Sistem pencitraan multispektral + RGB
  • Sistem pencitraan yang sangat terintegrasi

Sistem pencitraan yang baru ditingkatkan dengan satu kamera RGB 20MP dan empat kamera multispektral 5MP (hijau, merah, tepi merah, dan inframerah dekat). Memungkinkan aplikasi seperti survei udara presisi tinggi, pemantauan pertumbuhan tanaman, dan survei sumber daya alam.

Kamera Multispektral 5MP

Inframerah dekat (NIR)

Panjang gelombang 860nm ± 26nm

Tepi merah (RE)

Panjang gelombang 730nm ± 16nm

Merah (R)

Panjang gelombang 650nm ± 16nm

Hijau (G)

Panjang gelombang 560nm ± 16nm

Karakteristik kamera RGB

4/3 CMOS

Sensor gambar 20MP


Kecepatan rana mekanis tercepat

0,7 detik

Semburan kecepatan tinggi saat kamera RGB digunakan

Sensor Cahaya Matahari

Sensor sinar matahari internal menangkap radiasi matahari dan merekamnya dalam berkas gambar, yang memungkinkan kompensasi cahaya pada data gambar selama rekonstruksi 2D. Hal ini menghasilkan hasil NDVI yang lebih akurat, serta meningkatkan akurasi dan konsistensi data yang diperoleh dari waktu ke waktu.

Modul RTK

Gambar akurat yang menangkap setiap piksel

Mavic 3M dengan modul RTK untuk penentuan posisi dalam sentimeter. Kontrol penerbangan, kamera, dan modul RTK disinkronkan dalam mikrodetik untuk menangkap lokasi pusat pencitraan setiap kamera secara akurat. Hal ini memungkinkan Mavic 3M melakukan survei udara dengan presisi tinggi tanpa menggunakan titik kontrol darat.

Daya tahan baterai sangat lama, semburan cepat

43 menit [4]

Waktu pelayaran

200 hektar [3]

Satu penerbangan dapat menyelesaikan operasi pemetaan di area seluas 200 hektar.

Mavic 3 multispektral

Pengisian cepat

Hub Pengisian Daya Baterai 100W

Pengisian cepat efisiensi tinggi

Pengisian cepat 88W

Pesawat terbang

Sinyal stabil, transmisi gambar lancar

Transmisi O3 mengintegrasikan dua sinyal transmisi dan empat sinyal penerima untuk mendukung jarak transmisi ultra-panjang 15 km

Penginderaan rintangan omnidirectional, survei udara pelacakan medan

Pesawat ini dilengkapi beberapa sensor penglihatan FOV lebar yang secara akurat mendeteksi rintangan di semua arah untuk menghindari rintangan di segala arah. Survei udara dengan pelacakan medan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah di lanskap lereng curam.


Pemetaan kebun buah
Mavic 3M memungkinkan survei udara kebun buah dengan mengikuti medan, bahkan di lanskap yang miring. Bersama dengan DJI Terra atau DJI SmartFarm Web untuk merekonstruksi peta kebun buah beresolusi tinggi, mengidentifikasi jumlah pohon secara otomatis, membedakan pohon dari rintangan atau objek lain, dan menghasilkan rute operasi tiga dimensi untuk drone pertanian, sehingga membuat operasi lebih aman dan lebih efisien.
Panduan aplikasi tingkat variabel
Untuk pemupukan padi, pengaturan pertumbuhan kapas, dan penyemprotan pupuk daun kentang, Mavic 3M digunakan untuk memperoleh citra multispektral tanaman. DJI Terra atau DJI SmartFarm Web [6] kemudian dapat menghasilkan peta indeks NDVI dan vegetasi lainnya, yang menangkap perbedaan potensi tanaman dan menghasilkan peta resep yang memungkinkan drone pertanian untuk melaksanakan aplikasi dengan laju variabel. Hal ini pada akhirnya memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengurangi biaya, meningkatkan hasil panen, dan melindungi lingkungan.

Survei udara Mavic 3M

DJI SmartFarm Web

Menghasilkan peta resep untuk lahan pertanian

Drone Pertanian

Pengintaian lapangan yang cerdas

Mavic 3M dapat melakukan pengintaian lapangan secara otomatis. Citra pengintaian lapangan dapat diunggah ke DJI SmartFarm Web [6] secara real-time melalui jaringan 4G. Ia dapat menemukan kelainan, seperti kekurangan kemunculan, tekanan gulma, dan rebahnya tanaman secara tepat waktu. Ia juga dapat melakukan analisis cerdas, seperti identifikasi bibit kapas dan pengujian produksi padi, menggunakan identifikasi AI untuk berbagi informasi pertumbuhan tanaman secara real-time, panduan kegiatan agronomi, dan pengelolaan lahan pertanian seluas 70 hektar yang mudah oleh satu orang.

Survei Pemantauan Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya Alam

Mavic 3M juga dapat digunakan dalam survei lingkungan dan sumber daya alam, seperti pemantauan pengayaan air, survei distribusi hutan, survei area hijau perkotaan, dan banyak lagi.

Spesifikasi Teknis


  • Weight (with propellers, without accessories) 

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 915 g
    DJI Mavic 3T: 920 g
  • Max Takeoff Weight

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 1,050 g
    DJI Mavic 3T: 1,050 g
  • Dimensions

  • Folded (without propellers): 221×96.3×90.3 mm (L×W×H)
    Unfolded (without propellers): 347.5×283×107.7 mm (L×W×H)
  • Diagonal Distance

  • 380.1 mm
  • Max Ascent Speed

  • 6 m/s (Normal Mode)
    8 m/s (Sport Mode)
  • Max Descent Speed

  • 6 m/s (Normal Mode)
    6 m/s (Sport Mode)
  • Max Flight Speed (at sea level, no wind)

  • 15 m/s (Normal Mode)
    Forward: 21 m/s, Side: 20 m/s, Backward: 19 m/s (Sport Mode) 
  • Max Wind Speed Resistance

  • 12 m/s 
  • Max Take-off Altitude Above Sea Level

  • 6000 m (without payload)
  • Max Flight Time (no wind)

  • 45 mins 
  • Max Hover Time (no wind)

  • 38 mins
  • Max Flight Distance

  • 32 km
  • Max Pitch Angle

  • 30° (Normal Mode)
    35° (Sport Mode)
  • Max Angular Velocity

  • 200°/s
  • GNSS

  • GPS+Galileo+BeiDou+GLONASS (GLONASS is supported only when the RTK module is enabled)
  • Hovering Accuracy

  • Vertical: ±0.1 m (with Vision System); ±0.5 m (with GNSS); ±0.1 m (with RTK)
    Horizontal: ±0.3 m (with Vision System); ±0.5 m (with High-Precision Positioning System); ±0.1 m (with RTK)
  • Operating Temperature Range

  • -10° to 40° C (14° to 104° F)
  • Internal Storage

  • N/A
  • Motor Model

  • 2008
  • Propeller Model

  • 9453F Propellers for Enterprise
  • Beacon

  • Built into the aircraft
  • Class

  • C2 (EU)

Wide Camera

  • Sensor

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 4/3 CMOS, Effective pixels: 20 MP
    DJI Mavic 3T: 1/2-inch CMOS, Effective pixels: 48 MP
  • Lens

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    FOV: 84°
    Format Equivalent: 24 mm
    Aperture: f/2.8-f/11
    Focus: 1 m to ∞

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    FOV: 84°
    Format Equivalent: 24 mm
    Aperture: f/2.8
    Focus: 1 m to ∞
  • ISO Range

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 100-6400
    DJI Mavic 3T: 100-25600
  • Shutter Speed

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    Electronic Shutter: 8-1/8000 s
    Mechanical Shutter: 8-1/2000 s

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    Electronic Shutter: 8-1/8000 s
  • Max Image Size

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 5280×3956
    DJI Mavic 3T: 8000×6000
  • Still Photography Modes

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    Single: 20 MP
    Timed: 20 MP
    JPEG: 0.7/1/2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
    JPEG+RAW: 3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
    Smart Low-light Shooting: 20 MP
    Panorama: 20 MP (raw image)

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    Single: 12 MP/48 MP
    Timed: 12 MP/48 MP
    JPEG: 2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s*
    Panorama: 12 MP (raw image); 100 MP (stitched image)

    * Shooting 48MP photo does not support 2s interval
    Smart Low-light Shooting: 12 MP
  • Video Resolution

  • H.264
    4K: 3840×2160@30fps
    FHD: 1920×1080@30fps
  • Bitrate

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    4K: 130 Mbps
    FHD: 70 Mbps

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    4K: 85 Mbps
    FHD: 30 Mbps
  • Supported File Formats

  • exFAT
  • Photo Format

  • DJI Mavic 3E: JPEG/DNG (RAW)
    DJI Mavic 3T: JPEG
  • Video Format

  • MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264)

Tele Camera

  • Sensor

  • 1/2-inch CMOS, Effective pixels: 12 MP
  • Lens

  • FOV: 15°
    Format Equivalent: 162 mm
    Aperture: f/4.4
    Focus: 3 m to ∞
  • ISO Range

  • DJI Mavic 3E: 100-6400
    DJI Mavic 3T: 100-25600
  • Shutter Speed

  • Electronic Shutter: 8-1/8000 s
  • Max Image Size

  • 4000×3000
  • Photo Format

  • JPEG
  • Video Format

  • MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264)
  • Still Photography Modes

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    Single: 12 MP
    Timed: 12 MP
    JPEG: 0.7/1/2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
    Smart Low-light Shooting: 12 MP

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    Single: 12 MP
    Timed: 12 MP
    JPEG: 2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
    Smart Low-light Shooting: 12 MP
  • Video Resolution

  • H.264
    4K: 3840×2160@30fps
    FHD: 1920×1080@30fps
  • Bitrate

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    4K: 130 Mbps
    FHD: 70 Mbps

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    4K: 85 Mbps
    FHD: 30 Mbps
  • Digital Zoom

  • 8x (56x hybrid zoom)

Thermal Camera 

  • Thermal Imager

  • Uncooled VOx Microbolometer
  • Pixel Pitch

  • 12 μm
  • Frame Rate

  • 30 Hz
  • Lens

  • DFOV: 61°
    Format Equivalent: 40 mm
    Aperture: f/1.0
    Focus: 5 m to ∞
  • Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD)

  • ≤50 mK@F1.0
  • Temperature Measurement Method

  • Spot Meter, Area Measurement
  • Temperature Measurement Range

  • -20° to 150° C (-4° to 302° F, High Gain Mode)
    0° to 500° C (32° to 932° F, Low Gain Mode)
  • Palette

  • White Hot/Black Hot/Tint/Iron Red/Hot Iron/Arctic/Medical/Fulgurite/Rainbow 1/Rainbow 2
  • Photo Format

  • JPEG (8-bit)
    R-JPEG (16-bit)
  • Video Resolution

  • 640×512@30fps
  • Bitrate

  • 6 Mbps
  • Video Format

  • MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264)
  • Still Photography Modes

  • DJI Mavic 3T:
    Single: 640×512
    Timed: 640×512
    JPEG: 2/3/5/7/10/15/20/30/60 s
  • Digital Zoom

  • 28x
  • Infrared Wavelength

  • 8-14 μm
  • Infrared Temperature Measurement Accuracy

  • ±2° C or ±2% (using the larger value)


  • Stabilization

  • 3-axis (tilt, roll, pan)
  • Mechanical Range

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    Tilt: -135° to 100°
    Roll: -45° to 45°
    Pan: -27° to 27°

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    Tilt: -135° to 45°
    Roll: -45° to 45°
    Pan: -27° to 27°
  • Controllable Range

  • Tilt: -90° to 35°
    Pan: Not controllable
  • Max Control Speed (tilt)

  • 100°/s
  • Angular Vibration Range

  • ±0.007°


  • Type

  • Omnidirectional binocular vision system, supplemented with an infrared sensor at the bottom of the aircraft.
  • Forward

  • Measurement Range: 0.5-20 m
    Detection Range: 0.5-200 m
    Effective Sensing Speed: Flight Speed ≤15 m/s
    FOV: Horizontal 90°, Vertical 103°
  • Backward

  • Measurement Range: 0.5-16 m
    Effective Sensing Speed: Flight Speed ≤12 m/s
    FOV: Horizontal 90°, Vertical 103°
  • Lateral

  • Measurement Range: 0.5-25 m
    Effective Sensing Speed: Flight Speed ≤15 m/s
    FOV: Horizontal 90°, Vertical 85°
  • Upward

  • Measurement Range: 0.2-10 m
    Effective Sensing Speed: Flight Speed ≤6 m/s
    FOV: Front and Back 100°, Left and Right 90°
  • Downward

  • Measurement Range: 0.3-18 m
    Effective Sensing Speed: Flight Speed ≤6 m/s
    FOV: Front and Back 130°, Left and Right 160°
  • Operating Environment

  • Forward, Backward, Lateral, and Upward: Surface with a clear pattern and adequate lighting (lux >15)
    Downward: Diffuse reflective surface with diffuse reflectivity>20% (e.g. walls, trees, people) and adequate lighting (lux >15)

Video Transmission

  • Video Transmission System

  • DJI O3 Enterprise Transmission
  • Live View Quality

  • Remote Controller: 1080p/30fps
  • Operating Frequency [6]

  • 2.400-2.4835 GHz
    5.725-5.850 GHz
  • Max Transmission Distance (unobstructed, free of interference) [7]

  • DJI Mavic 3E:
    FCC: 15 km
    CE: 8 km
    SRRC: 8 km
    MIC: 8 km

    DJI Mavic 3T:
    FCC: 15 km
    CE: 8 km
    SRRC: 8 km
    MIC: 8 km
  • Max Transmission Distance (Obstructed) [8]

  • Strong Interference (dense buildings, residential areas, etc.): 1.5-3 km (FCC/CE/SRRC/MIC)
    Medium Interference (suburban areas, city parks, etc.): 3-9 km (FCC), 3-6 km (CE/SRRC/MIC)
    Low Interference (open spaces, remote areas, etc.): 9-15 km (FCC), 6-8 km (CE/SRRC/MIC)
  • Max Download Speed[9]

  • 15 MB/s (with DJI RC Pro Enterprise)
  • Latency (depending on environmental conditions and mobile device)

  • Approx. 200 ms
  • Antenna

  • 4 Antennas, 2T4R
  • Transmission Power (EIRP)

  • 2.4 GHz: <33 dBm (FCC), <20 dBm (CE/SRRC/MIC)
    5.8 GHz: <33 dBm (FCC), <30 dBm (SRRC), <14 dBm (CE)

DJI RC Pro Enterprise

  • Video Transmission System

  • DJI O3 Enterprise Transmission
  • Max Transmission Distance (unobstructed, free of interference) [7]

  • FCC: 15 km
    CE/SRRC/MIC: 8 km
  • Video Transmission Operating Frequency [6]

  • 2.400-2.4835 GHz
    5.725-5.850 GHz
  • Antenna

  • 4 Antennas, 2T4R
  • Video Transmission Transmitter Power (EIRP)

  • 2.4 GHz: <33 dBm (FCC), <20 dBm (CE/SRRC/MIC)
    5.8 GHz: <33 dBm (FCC), <14 dBm (CE), <23 dBm (SRRC)
  • Wi-Fi Protocol

  • 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
    Support 2×2 MIMO Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi Operating Frequency [6]

  • 2.400-2.4835 GHz
    5.150-5.250 GHz
    5.725-5.850 GHz
  • Wi-Fi Transmitter Power (EIRP)

  • 2.4 GHz: <26 dBm (FCC), <20 dBm (CE/SRRC/MIC)
    5.1 GHz: <26 dBm (FCC), <23 dBm (CE/SRRC/MIC)
    5.8 GHz: <26 dBm (FCC/SRRC), <14 dBm (CE)
  • Bluetooth Protocol

  • Bluetooth 5.1
  • Bluetooth Operating Frequency

  • 2.400-2.4835 GHz
  • Bluetooth Transmitter Power (EIRP)

  • < 10 dBm
  • Screen Resolution

  • 1920×1080
  • Screen Size

  • 5.5 inches
  • Screen

  • 60 fps
  • Brightness

  • 1,000 nits
  • Touchscreen Control

  • 10-point multi-touch
  • Battery

  • Li-ion (5000 mAh @ 7.2 V)
  • Charging Type

  • Recommended to be charged with the included DJI USB-C Power Adapter (100W) or USB charger at 12 V or 15 V
  • Rated Power

  • 12 W
  • Storage Capacity

  • Internal Storage (ROM): 64 GB
    Supports a microSD card for expanded capacity.
  • Charging Time

  • Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes (with the included DJI USB-C Power Adapter (100W) only charging the remote controller or a USB charger at 15 V)
    Approx. 2 hours (with a USB charger at 12 V)
    Approx. 2 hours 50 minutes (with the included DJI USB-C Power Adapter (100W) charging the aircraft and remote controller simultaneously)
  • Operating Time

  • Approx. 3 hours
  • Video Output Port

  • Mini-HDMI port
  • Operating Temperature Range

  • -10° to 40° C (14° to 104° F)
  • Storage Temperature

  • -30° to 60° C (-22° to 140° F) (within one month)
    -30° to 45° C (-22° to 113° F) (one to three months)
    -30° to 35° C (-22° to 95° F) (three to six months)
    -30° to 25° C (-22° to 77° F) (more than six months)
  • Charging Temperature

  • 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)
  • Supported DJI Aircraft[10]

  • DJI Mavic 3E
    DJI Mavic 3T
  • GNSS

  • GPS+Galileo+GLONASS
  • Dimensions

  • Antennas folded and controller sticks unmounted:
    183.27×137.41×47.6 mm (L×W×H)
    Antennas unfolded and controller sticks mounted:
    183.27×203.35×59.84 mm (L×W×H)
  • Weight

  • Approx. 680 g
  • Model

  • RM510B


  • Supported Memory Cards

  • Aircraft:
    U3/Class10/V30 or above is required. A list of recommended microSD cards can be found below.
  • Recommended microSD Cards

  • Remote Controller:
    SanDisk Extreme PRO 64GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    SanDisk High Endurance 64GB V30 microSDXC
    SanDisk Extreme 128GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    SanDisk Extreme 256GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    SanDisk Extreme 512GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Lexar 667x 64GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Lexar High-Endurance 64GB V30 microSDXC
    Lexar High-Endurance 128GB V30 microSDXC
    Lexar 667x 256GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Lexar 512GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Samsung EVO Plus 64GB V30 microSDXC
    Samsung EVO Plus 128GB V30 microSDXC
    Samsung EVO Plus 256GB V30 microSDXC
    Samsung EVO Plus 512GB V30 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas Go! Plus 128GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas React Plus 128GB V90 A1 microSDXC

    SanDisk Extreme 32GB V30 A1 microSDHC
    SanDisk Extreme PRO 32GB V30 A1 microSDHC
    SanDisk Extreme 512GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Lexar 1066x 64GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas Go! Plus 64GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas React Plus 64GB V90 A1 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas Go! Plus 128GB V30 A2 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas React Plus 128GB V90 A1 microSDXC
    Kingston Canvas React Plus 256GB V90 A2 microSDXC
    Samsung PRO Plus 256GB V30 A2 microSDXC


  • Capacity

  • 5000 mAh
  • Standard Voltage

  • 15.4 V
  • Max Charging Voltage

  • 17.6 V
  • Type

  • LiPo 4S
  • Chemical System

  • LiCoO2
  • Energy

  • 77 Wh
  • Weight

  • 335.5 g
  • Charging Temperature

  • 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)


  • Input

  • 100-240 V (AC Power), 50-60 Hz, 2.5 A
  • Output Power

  • 100 W
  • Output

  • Max. 100 W (total)
    When both ports are used, the maximum output power of each interface is 82 W, and the charger will dynamically allocate the output power of the two ports according to the load power.

Charging Hub

  • Input

  • USB-C: 5-20 V, 5.0 A
  • Output

  • Battery Port: 12-17.6 V, 8.0 A
  • Rated Power

  • 100 W
  • Charging Type

  • Three batteries charged in sequence
  • Charging Temperature Range

  • 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)

RTK Module

  • Dimensions

  • 50.2×40.2×66.2 mm (L×W×H)
  • Weight

  • 24±2 g
  • Interface

  • USB-C
  • Power

  • Approx. 1.2 W
  • RTK Positioning Accuracy

  • RTK Fix:
    Horizontal: 1 cm + 1 ppm; Vertical: 1.5 cm + 1 ppm


  • Dimensions

  • 114.1×82.0×54.7 mm (L×W×H)
  • Weight

  • 85±2 g
  • Interface

  • USB-C
  • Rated Power

  • 3 W
  • Max Volume [11]

  • 110 dB @ 1 m
  • Effective Broadcast Distance [11]

  • 100 m @ 70 dB
  • Bit Rate

  • 16 Kbps/32 Kbps
  • Operating Temperature Range

  • -10° to 40° C (14° to 104° F)


  • Notes

  • [1] The standard weight of the aircraft (including the battery, propellers, and a microSD card). The actual product weight may vary due to differences in batch materials and external factors.
    [2] Maximum speed in Sport mode is 19m/s when operating in EU regions.
    [3] Max wind speed resistance during takeoff and landing.
    [4] Measured with Mavic 3 Enterprise Series flying at a constant speed of 32.4 kph in a windless environment at sea level until the battery reached 0%. Data is for reference only. Please pay attention to RTH reminders in the DJI Pilot 2 app during flight.
    [5] DO NOT expose the infrared camera lenses to strong sources of energy such as the sun, lava, or laser beams. Otherwise, the camera sensor may be burned, leading to permanent damage.
    [6] In some countries and regions, the 5.8 and 5.1GHz frequencies are prohibited, or the 5.1GHz frequency is only allowed for indoor use. Check local laws and regulations for more information.
    [7] Measured in an unobstructed environment free of interference. The above data shows the farthest communication range for one-way, non-return flights (with no payload) under each standard. During your flight, please pay attention to RTH reminders in the DJI Pilot 2 app.
    [8] Data tested under different standards in unobstructed environments with typical interference. Uses for reference purposes only and provides no guarantee as to the actual flight distance.
    [9] Measured in a laboratory environment with little interference in countries/regions that support both 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. With footage saved on the officially recommended microSD cards. Download speeds may vary depending on actual conditions.
    [10] Will support more DJI aircraft in the future. Visit the official website for the latest information.
    [11] Data was measured in a controlled environment and is for reference only. Actual use experience may vary depending on software version, sound source, specific environment, and other conditions.
  • The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.

  • Guaranteed software updates until

  • 2024/12/31
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